The Department is located in the Medical Campus of the Autonoma de Madrid University (UAM), near La Paz University Hospital and the Four Towers business complex. The Department Faculty currently consists of 18 Full-time Professors, 2 Emeriti Professors, and 12 part-time Clinical Associate Professors. In addition, Laboratory Technicians, administrative personnel, and a number of postdoctoral and graduate researchers work in our Department.
The Department organizes the UAM Masters Program in Neuroscience, and the UAM Cajal PhD Program in Neuroscience in association with the Cajal Institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). These graduate Programs aim at training Neuroscience researchers as well as biomedical professionals. Both Programs are members of the European Network of Neuroscience Schools.
The Department is also in charge of Anatomy, Embryology, Neuroscience, Cell Biology and Histology courses in the Medical, Nursery, Nutrition Science and Sports Science curricula of the University.
Competitively funded projects are currently carried out In the Department’s Research Laboratories in the areas of Systems Neuroscience, Conectomics, Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration. Research seminars by guest national or international speakers are held regularly. In the last 5 years, Department professors have authored more than 200 articles in journals included in the Science Citation Index.
The Department’s Applied Anatomy Laboratory organizes numerous Workshops and Short Courses on surgical anatomy and technology on human cadavers for medical professionals. These activities are developed in collaboration with surgeons, hospitals, scientific societies and biomedical companies, The Laboratory also participates in applied human anatomy research projects aimed at the development of new diagnostic or therapeutic tools. In addition, the Department is in charge of the Body Donation Program for Medical Research of the UAM Medical School.