1. Background required
The ideal background for this Program is Master’s degree in Neuroscience and/or Degree in Medicine. Applications from students with a Masters / Ms.C in Cellular / Molecular / Medical Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology, Veterinary, Computing or Neuropsychology are also welcome.
2. Thesis Direction
Students must carry out their Thesis work under the direction or co-direction of one of the Program Professors. Only as an exception, the Academic Committee might authorize a Program professor to act just as a Tutor of a thesis to be directed by Professors outside the Program Faculty.
Candidate students to join the Program must write a message or letter of intent indicating, if possible, the theme in which they would like to do the thesis, as well as the lines and possible directors who could direct it.
The consideration of the Thesis Director takes place when the Academic Committee has assessed the applications and has admitted the candidates.
3. Admisión y Matrícula
The UAM Doctoral School website provides information on the periods and requirements for Admission, as well as the procedures for Tuition.